Why would anyone make themselves vulnerable?
Why would any sensible person invite ridicule and derision into their lives?
Why would any reasonable person want to spend time naked?
I have previously mentioned that I enjoy fishing. I prefer fishing from the beach to fishing from a boat. I don’t have very good sea legs, and I am prone to sea sickness. I have tried fishing from boats enough times to know that it is not worth pursuing. I invariably end up what is affectionately known as burleying up the water, much to the amusement of others on the boat.
Here in New Zealand, there are no dedicated naturist beaches. It is not illegal to be naked in a public place, so technically all beaches here are nude beaches. As I prefer fishing from the beach, it is not uncommon for me to be naked while fishing. Not only is it my preferred state of dress but it also has practical advantages. There are frequent times when I wade out into the shallow waters to cast my line out further. If there is any swell, it is not uncommon for waves to splash in areas where clothing would get wet. Sitting back on the beach in wet shorts or half-soaked shirts is, from my experience, uncomfortable and irritating.
One of my non-naturist friends, in trying to understand what drove me to want to spend the day at the beach naked, when I could have gone fishing in perfectly good and comfortable clothes, posed the question, why?
And there I guess is the biggest question that non-naturists have. Why do naturists want to shed their clothes and expose themselves to the world and the elements?
I can't speak for all naturists, I can only speak for myself. I imagine, however, that the reasons I enjoy spending time outside naked will be similar to the reasons for many other naturists out there as well.
I guess the number one reason for me is comfort.
I find being naked is simply more comfortable than wearing clothes. The more time I spend naked, the more uncomfortable I find clothing. At home, I prefer to be naked as much as I can. In summer months with high temperatures and often high humidity, I find clothing restrictive and uncomfortable. I am lucky to live in a property with privacy and there is no need to dress to spend time outside.
Many non-naturists will claim that clothing is an essential part of sun protection and that exposing skin to damaging UV rays is an irresponsible action. I get that. Naturists are not unaware of the potential damage from the sun, and most of us take sun protection seriously. We do use sunscreen. We do use hats, beach umbrellas or sunshades in the heat of the day. As a person who spends more time naked outside than the average citizen, I also get a regular skin check and mole map to spot any signs of skin damage or melanoma and I am pleased to say there are no signs detected to date.
Another reason (or maybe a justification) to spend time naked is health. Both physical and mental. From a health point of view, Vitamin D is an essential part of maintaining good bone health, and some studies have shown that it may help fight some diseases, support weight loss, regulate mood and reduce depression
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, Vitamin D deficiency is observed in 25% of the adult population in the US. It is believed to be higher in some other countries.
We get a good level of vitamin D through sunlight.
You can get too much vitamin D, but the interesting thing is that this will come from Vitamin D supplements and not from exposure to sunshine. Your skin limits the amount of Vitamin D it makes.
Multiple studies have shown the positive mental health benefits of spending time naked. To be fair to those scholars and researchers, I don’t need their studies to know that my own mental health is improved significantly by enjoying time clothes-free.
One of the benefits of social nudity is the increase in body confidence and the significant reduction, or perhaps elimination, of body shame. Body shame is a learned behaviour, taught to us by advertisers and a society that places too much emphasis on how we look rather than how we behave. Since embracing naturism, my own body confidence has improved significantly, and I am unaware of any instances of body shaming in the naturist communities that I have engaged in.
I found it curious that after a short while as a naturist, I stopped seeing naked bodies and began seeing people.
My naturist journey has opened my eyes to the harm that our consumerist behaviour does to the environment every day. We buy disposable products in plastic packaging and pay no regard to the waste and damage that our convenient way of living imposes on the fragile planet that we call home.
Clothing is a significant contributor to environmental damage. The proliferation of cheap clothing that is discarded so easily as fashion changes, is an environmental issue for all of us. Not only the increasing stockpiles of abandoned clothing, but the significant resources used to make the clothes in the first place are eye-watering. It’s not just the chemicals and dyes. If people understood how much fresh water is required to make a pair of jeans or that cheap cotton t-shirt, then perhaps society might be more willing to accept wearing nothing as a valid clothing choice.
So in answering the question, why do I spend time naked, I honestly believe that it is better for me, better for society and better for the planet.
Happiness comes from WHAT we do. Fulfilment comes from WHY we do it. - Simon Sinek
Thank you for reading. Have a comfortable day.
While I agree with essentially all of what you say, I believe that, for at least some of us, there is more to it. For quite a while I have felt that in my case, besides the physical comfort of being clothes-free, there is a psychological aspect that significantly changes my mental state. I’m not quite the same person when I’m nude as when I clothed. For example, I’ve noticed that I’m less introverted. I have a heightened sense of well-being. I enjoy life so much more. And being nude out doors is very sensual. The warmth of the sunshine, the cool breeze, it’s like being caressed my Mother Nature. It’s a delightful way to be.
My response would be basically this: "I'm naked because right now I prefer to be." You don't need to list all your reasons, maybe only one or two that the questioner might appreciate, and add more if they seem interested. Don't get defensive. If the questioner asks "but what about..." Just put the onus on them to list the supposed drawbacks. Then reply to any drawbacks they can think of (until they get tired of asking).