As you have said in the article, there is no exact naturist definition which is inclusive of all types. Even if someone tries to define it, few naturists will always be there who will remain out of the definition, as every naturist has his own thoughts....
Best wishes for your off period & have earlier initiative to start writing again..
Naturism is a life philosophy with the goal of fostering respect for self, others, and the environment. Nudity is the tool we use to accomplish this goal. It is distinct from nudism. Most of the clubs and resorts do not conform to the naturist philosophy. Because if they did, they would exclude no one. Exclusion is the antithesis of naturism.
“Single men are excluded from many groups, and numerous clubs don't allow repeat or casual visits from non-members.” … is one of the reasons why this gay nudist (partnered with a non-nudist) will no longer dish out any money to a landed club/resort/campground. These places are stuck in the past and their aging, mainly white hetero membership reflects this. Home and public beaches where nudity is permitted or tolerated (and where diversity reigns) are my places to be. Inexpensive and non-judgmental.
Thanks so much for the great thought-provoking reads! All the best and enjoy the break!
"Maybe one of the reasons that naturism struggles to attract people to its ranks is that everyone's understanding of naturism is different."
Possibly. But here's another one: Maybe one of the reasons that naturism struggles to attract people to its ranks is that its relevance to today's generation is rapidly fading.
My recent attendance at Kiwiburn (New Zealand's version of the Burning Man Festival) confirmed my own growing dissatisfaction with the terms "naturist" or "nudist" or any other label. I'm just an ordinary bloke that likes to not wear clothes whenever it suits me - no different than choosing to wear a T shirt or overalls or anything else as the moment suits. Sure, I recognise and largely agree with most of the benefits that being naked brings, but I'm not an evangelist for nudity - convincing the world that people need to be naked as much as they can possibly get away with. However, I AM an evangelist for the right to choose what rags get hung on my own body! At Kiwiburn I saw hundreds of people enjoying an atmosphere of radical acceptance and non-judgement - taking advantage of the ability to dump their clothes when they felt like it. Few, if any, would have thought of themselves as "naturists".
People today, especially young folks, mostly don't want to "belong" to a particular philosophy or ethos unless it has substantial meaning for them. They might choose something that identifies them, such as Goth, or Emo, or Gangsta, or some other radical identity that society will tolerate (even if they don't understand). But, mostly they simply want to do their own thing, without having to carry a label. Getting your gear off for a skinny dip, or running naked around a bonfire, just aren't enough reason to warrant a label. They don't see naturism as a movement that has anything to offer them. Just a bunch of oldies who belong to expensive clubs for the privilege of waking around naked. God, you can do that on any beach anyway! At least at Kiwiburn you get to dance naked to all the latest beats!
That may be true in New Zealand. It is generally untrue in the US. With exceptions so few you can almost count them on your fingers and toes, you can't do that at the beach here. It is the US where nudism is dying and nudists are aging out.
I feel your pain. I have been blogging on and off for 6 years now in multiple platforms. I feel like I have run out of things to say.
Everyone thinks they are "right." Often that includes intolerance for people who disagree. The other versions of right aren't going away. There will always be people who are ashamed their bodies. There will always people who think nakedness is sinful. There will always be people who cannot think of nudity as being nonsexual. There will always be be people who lie to themselves that their relationship to nudity isn't sexual when it really is. That's the ecology in which we nudies live.
Change what you can. accept what you cannot, and be smart enough to know which is which.
I'm not sure what you mean by nudity being related to being sexual. How so? I can be sexual whether I'm naked or when I'm clothed. I can be doing completely non-sexual activities or working around the farm either naked or wearing clothing. Sex couldn't be further from my mind in those situations. The automatic association between nudity and sex seems to be a Western civilisation hang-up. None more so that America! I don't get it.
I don’t believe Fred thinks of nudity as sexual, he’s just commenting that there will always be people who will always think of or see nudity as sexual. My wife was raised to think and believe this exact same way. It was how she was taught to think about nudity. But she was open minded enough to see with her own eyes simple public nudity really has nothing to do with sex at all. Fred is pointing out, there will always be people who will never believe it possible.
It will be decades before we get to the place where parts of Europe already is. I won't see it. I probably won't see even a significant shift. Cultures take a long time to evolve.
Most of those people you describe are not naturists, many aren't even nudists. Just getting naked for bath or bed is just life as a human. There definitely is a difference between Naturist and Nudist. Nudists accept casual nudity in "appropriate" settings (homes, clubs, private settings). Naturists see accepting their nudity as a lifestyle, living in their natural given skin, anywhere and as often as they can, with particular emphasis on being natural in nature. It's part of accepting that we are natural beings on a natural planet, and living accordingly.
People just calling themselves naturist because they like the sound of it doesn't make them a naturist. So many people using terms they don't understand, creates a form of disinformation in this world of instant communication. Communication and possibly society is set up for collapse when anyone can put their own definition to a word. It is not correct to say all interpretations are correct otherwise all is meaningless.
Some nudists also accept nudity in other settings. Like riding naked down the street in a WNBR, or running across San Francisco naked for the Bay to Breakers. Whether that is appropriate is a matter of opinion.
People ought not to create new definitions for words willy-nilly. I'm not a slave to a dictionary but do think it is a useful reference so two people can agree on the meaning of a word. OTOH, language does evolve and cultural concepts will vary according to individual perspectives. The definition of nudist will share space in your head with all of one's accumulated learning and experience and that will affect the "meta" definition.
People generally include their emotional, philosophical and psychological reactions to a word within their personal definitions. It is a fundamental and sometimes intractable problem in communications.
I guess my point is that everyone sees their own nudity differently and it is particular to them. Saying someone isn't a nudist because they don't fit someone else's definition might be one reason that the movement is struggling.
Well, If anybody who takes off their clothes for any reason is called a nudist, then the movement must include everyone, and so cannot be struggling. But most people understand that just being nude does not make them a nudist, largely because of the definition, which specifically categorizes nudists and their activities.
very insightful as always. Personally I view the words "nudist", "naturist", being "naked" as words I use interchangeably to my own lifestyle but ultimately I look at words like I look at clothing. sometimes nothing at all is the best.
As you have said in the article, there is no exact naturist definition which is inclusive of all types. Even if someone tries to define it, few naturists will always be there who will remain out of the definition, as every naturist has his own thoughts....
Best wishes for your off period & have earlier initiative to start writing again..
Naturism is a life philosophy with the goal of fostering respect for self, others, and the environment. Nudity is the tool we use to accomplish this goal. It is distinct from nudism. Most of the clubs and resorts do not conform to the naturist philosophy. Because if they did, they would exclude no one. Exclusion is the antithesis of naturism.
“Single men are excluded from many groups, and numerous clubs don't allow repeat or casual visits from non-members.” … is one of the reasons why this gay nudist (partnered with a non-nudist) will no longer dish out any money to a landed club/resort/campground. These places are stuck in the past and their aging, mainly white hetero membership reflects this. Home and public beaches where nudity is permitted or tolerated (and where diversity reigns) are my places to be. Inexpensive and non-judgmental.
Thanks so much for the great thought-provoking reads! All the best and enjoy the break!
A good interesting article as always, good luck with the break. We know you will return when something needs saying.
Thanks Di. Hope you are well and looking forward to the warmer wether in your part of the world.
Thanks Steve, thought provoking as usual. Look forward to the next blog whenever that may be.
"Maybe one of the reasons that naturism struggles to attract people to its ranks is that everyone's understanding of naturism is different."
Possibly. But here's another one: Maybe one of the reasons that naturism struggles to attract people to its ranks is that its relevance to today's generation is rapidly fading.
My recent attendance at Kiwiburn (New Zealand's version of the Burning Man Festival) confirmed my own growing dissatisfaction with the terms "naturist" or "nudist" or any other label. I'm just an ordinary bloke that likes to not wear clothes whenever it suits me - no different than choosing to wear a T shirt or overalls or anything else as the moment suits. Sure, I recognise and largely agree with most of the benefits that being naked brings, but I'm not an evangelist for nudity - convincing the world that people need to be naked as much as they can possibly get away with. However, I AM an evangelist for the right to choose what rags get hung on my own body! At Kiwiburn I saw hundreds of people enjoying an atmosphere of radical acceptance and non-judgement - taking advantage of the ability to dump their clothes when they felt like it. Few, if any, would have thought of themselves as "naturists".
People today, especially young folks, mostly don't want to "belong" to a particular philosophy or ethos unless it has substantial meaning for them. They might choose something that identifies them, such as Goth, or Emo, or Gangsta, or some other radical identity that society will tolerate (even if they don't understand). But, mostly they simply want to do their own thing, without having to carry a label. Getting your gear off for a skinny dip, or running naked around a bonfire, just aren't enough reason to warrant a label. They don't see naturism as a movement that has anything to offer them. Just a bunch of oldies who belong to expensive clubs for the privilege of waking around naked. God, you can do that on any beach anyway! At least at Kiwiburn you get to dance naked to all the latest beats!
That may be true in New Zealand. It is generally untrue in the US. With exceptions so few you can almost count them on your fingers and toes, you can't do that at the beach here. It is the US where nudism is dying and nudists are aging out.
Will miss your weeklies, look forward to the evolving ones. 😊
As for this closing piece, I have to say my thoughts were what it sounds like inclusion, diversity and equity matter.
I feel your pain. I have been blogging on and off for 6 years now in multiple platforms. I feel like I have run out of things to say.
Everyone thinks they are "right." Often that includes intolerance for people who disagree. The other versions of right aren't going away. There will always be people who are ashamed their bodies. There will always people who think nakedness is sinful. There will always be people who cannot think of nudity as being nonsexual. There will always be be people who lie to themselves that their relationship to nudity isn't sexual when it really is. That's the ecology in which we nudies live.
Change what you can. accept what you cannot, and be smart enough to know which is which.
I'm not sure what you mean by nudity being related to being sexual. How so? I can be sexual whether I'm naked or when I'm clothed. I can be doing completely non-sexual activities or working around the farm either naked or wearing clothing. Sex couldn't be further from my mind in those situations. The automatic association between nudity and sex seems to be a Western civilisation hang-up. None more so that America! I don't get it.
I don’t believe Fred thinks of nudity as sexual, he’s just commenting that there will always be people who will always think of or see nudity as sexual. My wife was raised to think and believe this exact same way. It was how she was taught to think about nudity. But she was open minded enough to see with her own eyes simple public nudity really has nothing to do with sex at all. Fred is pointing out, there will always be people who will never believe it possible.
What MarriedNudist94 said.
It will be decades before we get to the place where parts of Europe already is. I won't see it. I probably won't see even a significant shift. Cultures take a long time to evolve.
Most of those people you describe are not naturists, many aren't even nudists. Just getting naked for bath or bed is just life as a human. There definitely is a difference between Naturist and Nudist. Nudists accept casual nudity in "appropriate" settings (homes, clubs, private settings). Naturists see accepting their nudity as a lifestyle, living in their natural given skin, anywhere and as often as they can, with particular emphasis on being natural in nature. It's part of accepting that we are natural beings on a natural planet, and living accordingly.
People just calling themselves naturist because they like the sound of it doesn't make them a naturist. So many people using terms they don't understand, creates a form of disinformation in this world of instant communication. Communication and possibly society is set up for collapse when anyone can put their own definition to a word. It is not correct to say all interpretations are correct otherwise all is meaningless.
Some nudists also accept nudity in other settings. Like riding naked down the street in a WNBR, or running across San Francisco naked for the Bay to Breakers. Whether that is appropriate is a matter of opinion.
People ought not to create new definitions for words willy-nilly. I'm not a slave to a dictionary but do think it is a useful reference so two people can agree on the meaning of a word. OTOH, language does evolve and cultural concepts will vary according to individual perspectives. The definition of nudist will share space in your head with all of one's accumulated learning and experience and that will affect the "meta" definition.
People generally include their emotional, philosophical and psychological reactions to a word within their personal definitions. It is a fundamental and sometimes intractable problem in communications.
I guess my point is that everyone sees their own nudity differently and it is particular to them. Saying someone isn't a nudist because they don't fit someone else's definition might be one reason that the movement is struggling.
Well, If anybody who takes off their clothes for any reason is called a nudist, then the movement must include everyone, and so cannot be struggling. But most people understand that just being nude does not make them a nudist, largely because of the definition, which specifically categorizes nudists and their activities.
very insightful as always. Personally I view the words "nudist", "naturist", being "naked" as words I use interchangeably to my own lifestyle but ultimately I look at words like I look at clothing. sometimes nothing at all is the best.
Nailed it as usual !!
Thank you.