what you have said in the article is very correct. This is the view of us as naturists. However the non naturists have a different view. These differences will remain in the society forever.

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I have no evidence to support this assertion, but I strongly suspect that pedophiles are much more likely to hang out at public pools than nudist resorts. Think about it--if you’re a pervert would you rather go to a resort, where you have to pass a background check to get in, where you have to be naked and can’t hide your arousal, where members are likely to know each other, where others are collectively going to watch out for and be protective of all the children, where cameras and cellphones are prohibited, and where newcomers, especially single men, are looked at with some level of suspicion; or are you going to go where you can get in without a background check or even having to give your name and address, where there’s more children and they are in swimsuits that often sexualize their little bodies, where you can take pictures while you hide in plain sight? Children are much more vulnerable at public pools, if you ask me.

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Unintended consequences can work both ways. When President Obama was trying to introduce his healthcare scheme, Republicans in Wyoming set out to block it with a state law saying everyone was responsible for their own health care provision. Zip forward a few years and Wyoming Republicans want to ban abortion in the state. Nope, says a judge, because you made everyone responsible for their own healthcare ...

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I totally concur. Trying to protect children by removing all observations of normal naked bodies is creating a rod for the backs of many generations. It's not like naked bodies are not served up in spades on the internet. But the most common refrain when someone carries our a normal activity without clothes is what about the kids.

I have an example of the level of indoctrination in some people yesterday. I drive buses part time, we had picked up kids from various schools and taken them to a cross country venue. One driver said, my lot got dressed on the bus. So I quipped " did you pick them up naked", intended as a light hearted throw away comment. Her response :- "You can't mention that word and babies in the same sentance".

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One of the most duplicitous statements people, mostly politicians, make when trying to restrict the rights of others is to claim, "it's for the children."

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