Mar 29Liked by BOPBadger

I would like to try to sum up your nice article.. Please correct me if I am wrong.

"Here nothing is so perfect which pleases everyone & forever."

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by BOPBadger

There is no objective definition of pornography. People are upset that an algorithm doesn't share their opinion. The differences are often subtle and depend on the state of mind of the creator and the viewer. Many textiles might consider ordinary naturist imagery pornography because it turns them on. Or because they don't want their children to see them. Since they vastly outnumber naturists, they can dominate the algorithm. Welcome to digital democracy.

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Mar 25Liked by BOPBadger

Social media, like blue sky, is a fantastic tool, but like every tool humans create, it can be used to create and destroy. One the one hand, it does bring people and communities together to create a more free and open society, which is what we need, but it also has the potential to allow megalomaniacs and authoritarians to find, manipulate, and silence communities for their own sinister agendas. If we wanted to give bad guys the perfect tool to take over the world, we gave it to them on a silver platter with social media. Social media for naturists is a perfect example. In the past If you wanted to find naturists and nudist groups, there were tons of magazines and publications that gave out that information. The early founders had to work and fight really hard to get the gatekeepers at the time to allow them to provide it. It’s no different now. Magazines have been replaced by social media and the tech industry gatekeepers now control the free exchange of information across the whole planet. This gives them incredible power and wealth. I believe like our early founders, we need to take them head on. It’s way past time for our governments to break up the tech companies into smaller companies because they are causing visable problems for the rest of our societies. People are stealing goods from retail stores and selling them again online. Misinformation is dangerously dividing our communities, and whole groups of people, like naturists, how have a alternative outlook on life that challenges the status quo, are being silenced. Only by taking action and demanding changes will our voices be heard and the good intentions of social media flourish.

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Mar 25Liked by BOPBadger

Thanks for the information on Blue Sky. I haven't tried it because I had read you needed an invitation to join. The present state of nudism where it appears to be on the decline is a problem experienced and shared between all social philosophies at some point in their history and as they continually go through periods of growth, acceptance, or decline. How the people involved communicate with each other is a crucial deciding factor in growth potential. The divide between non-sexual advocating nudist and those comfortable with sexual positive behavior at nudst locations also causes the two to frequently not engage with each other. I have noticed in recent writings more people suggesting that non-sexual nudist advocates and sex positive advocates begin allying more to help create a larger base of support for nudism and naturism. Information on communication avenues like this article are helpful to all.

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