I don't think anyone expects the world to accept nakedness as the official dress code. Ain't gonna happen. But it sure would be nice if naked were at least an option for casual dress. I guess the UK is a bit closer to that. The US has very far to go.
And you're right about evangelism. Nudity is about freedom for me and how the other guy dresses is irrelevant.
I don't think anyone expects the world to accept nakedness as the official dress code. Ain't gonna happen. But it sure would be nice if naked were at least an option for casual dress. I guess the UK is a bit closer to that. The US has very far to go.
And you're right about evangelism. Nudity is about freedom for me and how the other guy dresses is irrelevant.
I don't expect everyone to go naked, I just think that wearing nothing should be a valid clothing option. Everyone should be free to wear or not wear whatever they like.
I don't think anyone expects the world to accept nakedness as the official dress code. Ain't gonna happen. But it sure would be nice if naked were at least an option for casual dress. I guess the UK is a bit closer to that. The US has very far to go.
And you're right about evangelism. Nudity is about freedom for me and how the other guy dresses is irrelevant.
I don't expect everyone to go naked, I just think that wearing nothing should be a valid clothing option. Everyone should be free to wear or not wear whatever they like.
I agree completely.