Absolutely agree. one more point to ask the media to report on. Why not report on the numerous men (and women) who have been healed of porn addiction and lust (myself included) as a result of discovering a non-sexualized view of the body.

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Very well written, Steve. I will put a link to this piece as a "further reading" reference at the end of our Media page here: https://www.haurakinaturally.nz/media

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Thanks. I appreciate the coverage.

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Bravo! I get irritated and frustrated when I see that kind of reporting. People already make enough stupid jokes about nudists, they don't need encouragement from "journalists".

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Excellent article. Well said. It is true about the "snigger" brigade. Like a school boy looking at a mag behind the bike sheds.

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Love the term snigger brigade. I might use that.

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