When I first envisaged this blog, I was full of ideas and opinions and thought that maybe I could string together enough material for a monthly blog to last perhaps a year.
I just recently subscribed and have been impressed with the frequency of your posts. I have considered offering to write an article for naturist publications and wrack my brain for an original idea and here you are with relevant posts weekly! Congrats on that, and nicely done.
very well written blog. what you say is absolutely correct. planet earth of 800 million people will have unique & different views which we have to respect, though may differ from our own views.
I'm always impressed by someone who can sustain a blog, Steve. My thoughts on things might be strong at an instant but my head moves on to the next thing. And certainly our views may be at variance to some, but as you say, with a population as big as ours there will be many.
Your thoughts on naturism, and its various issues and implications are always both fun and thought provoking and frequently give me an opportunity to view an idea from another direction.
Another great read Steve.. I agree, the world would be a very dull place if we all thought the same, but some folk need to learn when to keep theirs to themselves..
I’m guessing people who have tried naturism, then they love it.. if they haven’t, then please give it a go.. you my change your life. . But don’t judge something you know NOTHING about,
I just recently subscribed and have been impressed with the frequency of your posts. I have considered offering to write an article for naturist publications and wrack my brain for an original idea and here you are with relevant posts weekly! Congrats on that, and nicely done.
Thank you.
very well written blog. what you say is absolutely correct. planet earth of 800 million people will have unique & different views which we have to respect, though may differ from our own views.
There is much to say about naturism. I'm sure you will have much to add in future posts.
Thank you for your confidence in me. Challenge accepted.
Thank you for your contributions to naturism. I appreciate your well thought out pieces and have grown to look forward to receiving them.
Brent, Thank you so much for your kind words. It is comments like this that keep me motivated to continue writing.
Keep up the good work!
I'm always impressed by someone who can sustain a blog, Steve. My thoughts on things might be strong at an instant but my head moves on to the next thing. And certainly our views may be at variance to some, but as you say, with a population as big as ours there will be many.
Your thoughts on naturism, and its various issues and implications are always both fun and thought provoking and frequently give me an opportunity to view an idea from another direction.
Keep up the good work!
Another great read Steve.. I agree, the world would be a very dull place if we all thought the same, but some folk need to learn when to keep theirs to themselves..
I’m guessing people who have tried naturism, then they love it.. if they haven’t, then please give it a go.. you my change your life. . But don’t judge something you know NOTHING about,
There is no wrong - only different.