I enjoy it when newer readers to my blog reach out and comment on my writing.
Recently I received a message from a reader, Kelly, regarding my blog from July 2022, about how our message is received. In her note was a sentence that resonated with me so I responded to her asking if I could use her words in a blog that I was writing. To my eternal embarrassment, she let me know that she was quoting me, something I had completely missed. Kelly was complimenting me on my writing and highlighted the specific phrase that she considered well said.
Sometimes a reader's comments give a new perspective to something that I posted some time ago, and those comments can make me go back and reconsider the original post, or look at it from a slightly different angle.
The comment that Kelly mentioned related to the almost evangelical enthusiasm displayed by some people discovering naturism. Once the laughter and embarrassment of my not recognising my own work had settled down, I revisited the blog and considered my personal journey into naturism.
I drifted more slowly into the philosophy, recognising it early on but not fully embracing it until my children had grown and left home. Less out of a sense of protecting them, more simply from a lack of time. We had 4 boys, and for those with children, you will know that raising them takes an enormous amount of time, effort and often the sacrifice of one's freedom. It wasn’t until they had left home that I found I had the time to relax and focus on what was important to me.
My naturist attitude may come across as a little preachy at times, especially for those new to naturism. I hope that I am perceived as an enthusiastic supporter rather than an evangelical zealot.
I realise that naturism is not for everyone. It should be, but some are so conditioned to see nudity as sexual or wrong that they will never be comfortable naked even privately on their own, let alone in a social group.
As I may have mentioned in previous posts, nudists and naturists are on a spectrum, from “shy and retiring” to “out there and proud”.
Many naturists are conscious of the feelings and reactions of others and simply wish to live as they want without upsetting or offending anyone yet some naturists will fully embrace their commitment to the cause and immerse themselves in an uncompromising way of life, no matter how others might feel.
An example might be how a naturist answers the door. Some may put on clothes or a wrap to answer the door, while others will open the door naked.
I have answered the door both covered and naked, although my default setting is to cover up when answering the door.
I imagine that there will be feedback from readers on this issue supporting both options. I don’t see either way as right or wrong, but rather as two different approaches. Each approach may be affected by the attitude of the naturist, the type of property, the nature of the visitor and the presence of any type of notice or warning message on the door.
I might be happy answering the door naked to someone aware of my life choices, but perhaps a little more cautious on Halloween when the neighbour's kids are lined up begging for treats. My caution comes not from being shy or ashamed, but from the fact that I am part of the community I live in, and sometimes it is prudent to compromise in order to get along with, rather than upset, the neighbours.
I long to live in a world where the option to not wear anything is a valid clothing choice, and the sight of a naked person is as unremarkable as seeing someone wearing a hat.
One of the things that I am regularly amused by, is the indifference that society pays to a man walking down the street shirtless on a hot day as compared to the reaction given to a female doing the same thing.
No one comments or notices the shirtless man. A guy walking down the street without a shirt is simply seen as someone trying to be comfortable in the heat. There is nothing sexual about his behaviour or presence. Why then is society so offended when a woman tries to behave in the same non-sexual way, to be comfortable?
Using the example above, I see naturism as the topless woman. There should be nothing wrong with it, yet much of society is conditioned to see it as objectionable.
As a naturist, I think it would be great if the sight of a naked person is considered unremarkable and treated with the same indifference that we give a shirtless man.
I must be off, someone is knocking at the front door.
Thank you for reading, have a comfortable day.
"and the presence of any type of notice or warning message on the door."
I don't warn people about meeting a naked person. The whole concept that other people need to be warned promotes the concept that even seeing other humans is dangerous or harmful. Signs designation nudist areas should be positive and inviting, not a warning. "Entering unrestricted clothing optional area. You may take off your clothing. Welcome to enjoy our sunshine."
We all need to stop "warning" people. Language matters.
We need to stop vilifying sexual thoughts and attraction. I can be naked in my apartment all by myself, but I long to be naked among other naked people. While there may not be any actual sexual contact, just SEEING other naked people gives my brain a feeling of comfort. I have no social contacts anywhere like that, I do long for such things. There should be NO laws against nudity by government agencies. Public nudity should be totally legal. I could say lots about this (I am 'long winded'), but I absolutely think that it would promote better mental health if public nudity was a common thing.